Manager Effectiveness

Ensure all your managers have the tools and advice they need to succeed in the role.

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Stay Organised

Good managers want to do the job well, but those same people are usually the ones with the most other work.  Keeping on top of team development can be a real challenge.

Our collaborative platform keeps all the relevant information for each team member (meeting notes, goals, feedback etc.) organised in one place so managers can be confident they’re on top of the detail, and save time.

Our nudges also let managers know when there’s something that needs their attention. 

manager, publishing
‘Kommon is one of the things that's like it's such a no-brainer and so helpful just having it"

Make time for career development

Team members almost always want more feedback and guidance on their careers.  But building those conversations into the flow of work can be difficult in a busy company.

Kommon gives managers and team members a dedicated space for all information related to career development, making it easier to structure and support those conversations.   

Just inviting their team onto Kommon demonstrates that a manager is taking this issue seriously and wants to invest in it.

Make better decisions

Being a manager means making lots of decisions.  Some of the most important relate to people.  Who deserves promotion and why? Who wants what opportunities? Who needs support in what areas?

Without the right information to hand, managers fall back on intuition and hunch, which can be unreliable and biased, even with the best intentions.

Kommon makes it simple for managers to review their team’s progress, feedback, and goals to make better decisions and showcase their teams’ achievements.

Are You Ready?

Improve team management today

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